Афиша мероприятий благотворительной акции "Союз спорта и добра"

Дата события: 23.04.2021 - 25.04.2021

Цель акции — оказание помощи детям, находящимся в трудной жизненной ситуации, в том числе детям–сиротам и детям, оставшимся без попечения родителей.

Организатор  акции — спортивный комплекс «Талнах»

В рамках акции проводился сбор денежных средств, которые направлены на приобретение канцелярских товаров, спорт-инвентаря, книг, игрушек, сладостей и бытовой техники для нуждающихся ребят, а также организацию для них благотворительного праздника.   Дети будут приглашены на турниры по хоккею, баскетболу, вольной борьбе и боксу, которые состоятся 25 апреля. Нашим юным гостям  будут торжественно вручены подарки и проведены  спортивные, развлекательные и конкурсные программы.


Партнёры акции  — управление по спорту администрации Норильска, местная общественная организация поддержки детского и юношеского хоккея "Хоккей Детям", транспортная компания по перевозке людей ООО "Аврора", местная общественная организация "Спортивный клуб по хоккею с шайбой "Заполярник", местная общественная спортивная организация "Федерация вольной борьбы города Норильска", местная общественная спортивная организация "Федерация баскетбола города Норильска", местная общественная спортивная организация "Федерация бокса города Норильска",  "Медиакомпания "Северный город", муниципальное автономное учреждение "Информационный центр "Норильские Новости".


Опубликовано: 21.04.2021


Я не получаю то, что хочу. Не хватает мотивации на регулярные занятия. Мои цели сбываются у других людей. Без тебя все ясно7 июн. 2021 г., 0:03:05

Я не получаю то, что хочу. Не хватает мотивации
на регулярные занятия. Мои цели сбываются у других людей.

Без тебя все ясно

anonymous3 февр. 2023 г., 1:46:39



This hack is a retaliation of the DDoS attacks on the presidential website.
Pepperidge Farm remembers how someone got COVID and hacked into your nuclear and satellite systems,
while leaving this picture as part of the souvenir.

Last checked, he took some antihistamines and recovered a bit
You were very quiet then, but all of a sudden y'all got mad because a woman just want to visit a soverign nation.
Is that the epitome of "恃强凌弱"?

True, there is one China, but Taiwan is the real China
while yours is only an imitation straight out of wish.com.
Anonymous thanks China for proving that "girl power" is something to be feared.
The House Speaker did had
COVID a few months ago

We'd count it as a payback against you,
so that you won't forget the lesson next time.
Things won't be so bad if you remembered the hard lesson of Sanlu milk.

Regarding Russia, Anonymous has taken notice of something that has been brewing in Wikipediawhere a definitional issue arose over the lacuna that Gagarin bailed out of capsule before landing!Under Section 8 of FAI sporting code, paragraph 2.15 states that aflight is deemed to be uncompleted if:a) an accident occurs during the flight resulting in the death of any member of thecrew within 48 hours or,b) any member of the crew definitively leaves the spaceship during the flight.No doubt Gagarin's little mission fits into b) since he parachuted separately with his capsule during touch down!It isn't just him yet, all other Vostok spaceflights are done this way!Which means that Alan Shepard and John Glenn from NASAhad made the first completed spaceflight and first completed orbital spaceflight respectively!Unbelievable? Look at the following pdf and scroll to 2.15!Wikipedia is representative of IRL, but IRL is not representative of Wikipedia!Anonymous is advancing this definitional point of view because Putin thumping Gagarin to justify his invasion is sick!This is a purely semantical word-play rather than reality-denying trutherisms like "jet fuels don't melt steel beams" and "the moon landings are hoaxes",so that Gagarin making an "uncomplete spaceflight" is not cranky, it's just this is the way from the FAI Sporting Code.Like they said, Hiram Maxim flew up a bit when he tested his flying machine,but is he remembered the way we do with Wright Brothers?
To put it simply, Yuri Gagarin's mission is only a 半桶水 spaceflight.

if you don't want your legacy and anything related to be nickel and dimed this way,
then don't touch Taiwan like how Putin ruined Ukraine.
Kinmen and any other outlying islands are no exception.

Should you act stupid, it'd be kicking a bee hive in bare foot,
as so many people across the world would be eager to learn and make a payback,
against you CCP specifically because of how bad your little virus had done.

OpUkraine will be a cakewalk compared to that.

As an alternative, we have a red meat to throw at you,
which can serve as a "redemptive arc",
after how you made a controllable outbreak
into a full-blown pandemic.

For all the rest, lumping CCP itself and anti-CCP Asians together,
is as idiotic as how US inadvertently pushed Qian Xuesen into CCP's embrace.
If not for McCarthyism, he very well could helped won some of the early leads in the Space Race against the orcs,
such as the first satellite, human in space, interplanetary probes and so on.

Say no to extreme copyright-maximalism such as SMART act, otherwise it's no better than the CCP Great Firewall!

Wikipedia moderators absolutely just destroyed the Anonymous pages history. Removed so much shit claiming it as "copyrighted material" when we're the ones who did the work. Our friends are the writers who wrote the articles, our friends at DDOZecretz did the publicity and hosting— Anonymous 🍀 (@DepaixPorteur) August 1, 2022

We are Anonymous

We are legion

We do not forget

We do not forgive

Expect us!

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